Beware of the Biker Bandits!

Today was a pretty exciting day for Mas. We found his bike after it was stolen two months ago. He was so happy. He just kept thanking me. I was pretty relieved because I honestly didnt want to shell out another hundred something bucks for a bike.

But then...

I walked out to the garage this afternoon and noticed Kira's brand new bike was replace with one exactly like hers but beat the fuck UP! It had to be at least 2 or three years old. Kira just got her bike and hasnt even learned to ride it. I look out in confusion and see the neighbor girl cruising down the street on my kids bike and I think "oh jesus not again!' So I walk over to her and tell her sweetly that she has Kira's bike and she needs to go get hers. Her mom comes out and I explained to her the situation. She just said "oooh. and then looks at the bike wobbles it back and forth and says no, this is my daughters see how it wobbles. I tried not to laugh in her fat face and calmly told her all training wheel bikes wobble. (Moron) She said I just dont know what to tell you, this one is ours. I said "fantastic, have both then because I will not take that POS bike in my garage." I came back inside and called my husband to vent. Ten minutes later she was knocking on my door. I opened it. She had the bike. She said her husband came home and corrected her,...the old one is their bike. She was sorry.

Does it surprise me that she doesnt know which bike is hers? Absolutely not. Her 4 and 3 yr olds are out fucking around in the neighborhood ALL.DAY. They are at my door 8 times a day regardless of how many times I tell them the boys are at school. Yesterday the little girl came to the door and I said the usual. No kids here. She asked to come in my house anyway. I very shortly told her no way...GO HOME. Today at lunch when Mike came home he said the 4 year old was in out garage pacing back and forth. No kids here. He was just chillin' in the garage.

I mentioned this to the mom and that the boy will stand in my picture window outside and just stare at us for long periods of time.

She said "Oh I always tell them they can only go in houses if the parents say its ok. Well, no wonder she goes walking up and down the street asking if her kids are here. Brilliant. Shes asked me a few time. I dont let kids in my house unless their parents know right then. I do not allow my children (not even TJ at 11) go into a house without checking with me first.

F her L. Really.


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