Dear Logic, Thank You

My teenage son introduced me to this song yesterday. I'm sorry that I am not familiar with your other work but this song had me in tears. Why? Four years ago my husband and the father of my children took his life in my presence, as our kids slept just feet away. In the past four years I've become an advocate for suicide prevention. This one song eclipses any work I could ever do in keeping people alive. You've taken a subject so close to our hearts and took a stand. It reminds me of the work of Tupac. You could have sang about anything, but you chose to help and I cannot thank you enough. My son and I were able to talk about his dads suicide, how his head was racing with the same confusion and abandonment anger and pain as the subject in your song. It helped us connect and I'm positive it will help others too.

From one human being to another THANK GOD FOR YOU and this song. You will save lives. You may never meet them or know their names but you've made all the difference to their kids and families. They will be around to watch their children grow into adults, graduate college, walk their daughters down the aisle at their weddings, hold their grandchildren close as they enter the world...

You did this, in one selfless choice to sing about a real American epidemic. You had a platform and picked LIFE!!

My son tells me you are an artist who raps about your real life and real problems. Stay true to what you know and this is just the beginning. You will sell records and be the voice of change. Many, many will be helped and grateful for your lyrics. Our struggles in life make us uniquely human. I have no other way of thanking you than this small note. I want you to put a face to your fight. My name is Misty Blum. My children are 10, 13 and 18. My son Mason is who showed me your song. We lost their father Ssgt Michael Blum, USMC September 15 2013 to suicide. Your song helped my son to understand the desperation his father was feeling at the time of his death. It's a two fold gift. It not only helped him understand the mindset of someone contemplating suicide but it also opened the door for good, deep and healing conversation between us. Now you know for sure you've succeeded in your message. You have names and real people.

What I'm saying's not just a song it's a movement.

Thank you!

Misty Blum
Widow of Ssgt M. Blum, USMC
Mom to TJ Mason and Kira, Survivors of Suicide Loss


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