Stand Or Knee, Both Are Okay By Me.

Hate crimes are unconstitutional. (As if you needed to refer to the legalities of hate!) The national anthem is a representation of our Constitution and kneeling during the playing is a law abiders method of pointing out that our Constitution is being abused. It is not a reflection of the kneelers disdain for our country or our laws. It's the opposite. A silent protest to lives lost and cruel liberties taken against citizens who live for that constitution. It's a serious epidemic in this country. Comparing the act to servicemembers dying in action or fighting for the county is a bad way to go. They are DOING THE EXACT SAME THING but in different approaches. They are both trying to protect what they know to be true in the only way they know how. More people have died this year on our soil because they were black than because they were American fighting in a war zone. The two should never be compared. Apples and oranges. I'm asked a lot because I'm a widow of a Marine. Hopefully this will stop the inquiries made of my personal opinion. I have no "side". Both are right and just. It's not about a sport or lack of patriotism. It's fighting for what you love and protect. For what you know is right. In my opinion you can do both and stand (or kneel) proud knowing you and doing all you can FOR ALL OF US! And after this is shared you can refer to my below comment, take not one but two knees and kiss my ass. I won't argue it. Lol


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