I've been asked how a friend can help someone who makes suicidal suggestions, threats or promises on social media...especially friends who are not close in proximity. Even friends you don't know location. How can you get them help if you don't know where to start?

The first and easiest is to send me the persons name and what you know about the situation. If I'm friends with them especially and this method happens most often. I've now prevented suicides from happening in Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, Indiana and Colorado from my home in San Diego. I've also stopped them here and in my home town but those were easy to hunt down.

Everyone who posts on social media give a plethora of information about their life whether they realize it or not. If you are actually paying attention to what your friends say you pick up bits and pieces of their lives. If your friend posts something concerning or uncharacteristic you feel it in your stomach. It just drops to your knees. That reaction is your body telling you to act. To not ignore this.


Say for example your friend live across the country and you know them fairly well through Facebook but not off the internet. You notice their post and want to immediately do something. The first thing I do is send them a message telling them I'm worried. If I don't hear from them in five minutes I will begin to locate them and get help to them. If they reply and you are satisfied with their response don't call the police. Instead maybe message their spouse or partner, maybe a sibling or close friend do they can know your concern and keep an eye on the hehavior in person.

If your friend makes an all out, no getting around it proclamation they intend to end their life the countdown begins and every minute is crucial. They may be serious. They may be bullshitting. It doesn't matter
treat it as if it's serious. If you do not know how to contact them first try the Facebook messenger. Most people are unaware that you can make calls to a friend through Facebook messenger l. There is a little green phone in the right corner (if I remember right) click on it. If their phone number is in the Facebook system it will call them. If they answer stay calm and assess his or her behavior.  Be supportive and ask where they are right now. If they refuse to answer then leave a message letting them know you're contacting help and you care.

If that fails look at his "about" section. most people have their employer, fiancé, spouse, partner, volunteer info. Get a number for one of these people or places and start calling.

If you know what county they live in you can call the police or sheriff station there, explain what you saw on Facebook, your concern and any history or other helpful info. They will do a welfare check on anyone. I have never had any problems with a police department taking it 100% seriously.

Then another option is to look at their page and determime if any family members are listed. Contact immediate family.

At this point you should be making some headway but if still nothing you can look at their recent posts and see who interacts with them frequently. Do you have a mutual friend who seems to "like" and comment on posts? Send them message asking if they have seen the threat. Ask them to check on the at risk friend.

Google the persons name and town. It will usually give an address. That's better than nothing.

Don't assume someone else is handling it so you shouldn't have to. You may have additional info that can help locate them faster. It's all of our responsibility to take care of each other. If you don't care to be bothered to help they should not be on your friends list. That's not a friend. Dont be fearful that you'll have overreacted. It's better to over than under react.

It may seem a bit on the stalker side to go this far to locate a friend but you could literally save them by doing so. If you are concerned but don't know what to do find me. I will help you help them. Every time.

I hope that maybe helps you for the future.


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