Dodged Death Yet Again

Monday was Halloween. It was a good one. The kids had their bounty of candy and I'd finally got them settled and ready to tuck in for the night. Sean and I plopped down on the couch exhausted and started to watch a documentary about Richard III when Mason came down and said there were people all over our front yard and hiding around our vehicles. So naturally we walked out to see what was going on. I had heard partying at our neighbors house since before sun down and assumed Jeff, our neighbor was having another holiday party. He was notorious for hosting great shindigs. But as we walked out we noticed the people were all young...teenagers. they were walking both toward and away from his house. I couldn't really figure out what was going on so I walked toward his house to find him.

I came to the door and his son Sam stood there looking scared and mortified. I asked where his father was and what the hell was going on. He said his dad was out of town. He invited just his baseball team over but someone posted on social media about it and it was out of control. I snapped into mom mode and began telling everyone go turn back and go. The party was over and they had to leave. I repeated this shooshing as o walked up the easement toward my house. Kids were tossing beer cars everywhere. At some point they decided I was the enemy and began chucking cans at me. As they drove off they were shouting "this party sucks!" And other insults. I was annoyed but they were breaking up.

Some were still just standing there so I repeated myself. The party is over...

For whatever reason a Hispanic kids behind the wheel of a silver Mazda 6 with white rims reached out of his car and asked me if I "wanted some of this" this... was a 9mm hand gun pointed at my face. For a brief moment I was frozen. Then I heard the click. He pulled the trigger. Either it was not loaded, jammed or was a toy. Which of these were the case I don't know but I was enraged and started toward that car. Had he not sped off I would have pulled him out of the car with all the rage buzzing in my body.

I looked back and realized my kids were on my balcony and witnessed the entire thing. I realized that kid almost killed me in front of my kids. I began to sob.

I almost died on Halloween.

I almost died breaking up a Halloween party of teenagers. I almost died at the hands of someone who didn't know me, who I hadn't wronged in any way.

I called the police and the responding officer insisted I file a formal report. He told me that whether it was real or fake loaded or jammed that was assault with a deadly weapon and if things had been different I would be dead there on my lawn. Had I been armed I could have shot him justifiably in self defense and he could be dead.

After the police left I thought about that. One of us could be dead for really no reason. It haunted me.

Today we learned the ID of the person who pulled the gun on me...and where he works. Next week I will go in and pick him out of a line up. He will be charged with felony assault with a deadly weapon. That's pretty heavy. Not as heavy as murder. Which could have been the reality here. I decided yes, I will prosecute because next time he won't be so lucky. I have to ensure there won't be a next time. He must know the severity of what he's done.

What happens next? I'm unsure but I will keep you updated.


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