Club Shooter Profile

I am just now hearing about the shooting in Florida. First, I want to say my condolences to all those who lost a loved one this weekend. So needless, so unfair. I truly understand your pain and my thoughts are with you l.

I have not heard the background about the shooter but only overheard he claimed sympathy to Isis in a 911 call. That's the extent of my knowledge. What I'm going to do is give you my observations just from the few social media photos I ran across today before i go research. There are a few things I noticed just in photos that may really point out who this douchebag really is and boy is he a douche.

First off, I have noticed in several photos he's wearing various NYPD shirts. My guess is he's grandiose. He's probably told friend and family he was or IS NYPD when he was mist likely a police academy or military wash out. He probably is currently or has worked as a security guard or bouncer instead. You get the uniform and some authority...but he's kidding himself.

He's claiming ISIS because he's always seen himself doing "something big". Since he can't make it with the good guys he's going out as a bad guy. We will find, most likely that he has no direct ties to terrorism. He may have viewed sites and made comments but it will have been a complete 180 from the patriotic nonsense he spoke when he tried going into the police or military. He's probably not actually been able to hold a job for very long. Every job is "beneath him" despite having a lack of education he just knows he destined for something greater.

His personal life is as messy as his professional life. He's probably needy and abusive. Monopolizing the time of any one with the misfortune to cross his

He may have gotten worse progressively over the past few years. Friends and family will probably have noticed changes but no one has known what to say or who to say it to.

People will have noticed the change and I think in the next few days we will hear from neighbors, co workers, friends and family.

I am 99% sure this is connected to a personality disorder and not Isis. There is what I have this far. Now I will go and look him up to see if my observations were anywhere close to the truth.


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