Negative, Sarah Palin

I generally am just entertained by the random nonsense the flows from Sarah Palin's mouth hole. I've told my friends that if Maya Angelou and Dr. Seuss were first cousins and grew up in the same trailer park, Sarah would be their inbred love child. I am convinced her most recent speech was sponsored by Wild Turkey. I typically cant help but not take her incoherent rambling seriously as I cant really decipher what it is shes actually saying. I mean...I hear the words but cant make out her point. Its odd and tragically hilarious. I read somewhere her dad was a retired teacher? Did he teach wood shop? She has no grasp of punctuation AT ALL! It's fun.


Hours before she spoke publicly endorsing  Trump her son was arrested for domestic assault, public intoxication and brandishing an AR-15 threatening suicide.

...but wait there's more! Sarah Palin blamed her son's shitty behavior on Obama, PTSD and war service. This actually infuriates me. Sarah, your son was showing signs of addiction and aggression years before he even enlisted in the military. He's since had several run ins with the law regarding addiction and violence. It wasn't Obama, PTSD, the Army, War or anything outside your crazy home.

Your daughter's managed to become a teen mother and then if that hadn't been a lesson enough she got knocked up out of wedlock AGAIN! She wasn't using protection because she was planning on marrying the boy. That logic is like buying a house because you're planning to win the lottery.

 She WAS ALSO INVOLVED IN THE VIOLENT BRAWL WITH HER BROTHER AND DAD. She allegedly punched a woman in the face.

Track's marriage lasted only slightly longer than a Britney Spears nuptial. I am sure there is a VERY good reason that dissolved quickly.

Most of the time I am not a person quick to judge others but after your asinine accusation about Tracks behavior stemming from PTSD and Obama it's time we called you out...


And the worst part is you gave up proper parenting of your kids to focus on your political career that you eventually gave up too....sooo basically you've lost both your family and your career and are now reduced to incoherently backing Donald Freaking Trump on stage in Podunk Ohio dressed like a 1980s Loveboat cruise ship lounge singer. I am fairly certain than last appearance was sponsored by Wild Turkey.

I can absolutely understand why you are so adamant in your blaming Obama for well, just about everything. I'd be projecting like a motherfucker too if I knew I had managed to get to your spot in life. Nothing thus far is your fault. Its Obama. Obama made your family incredibly dysfunctional. Jedi mind fuckery. Hes like the all powerful Oz. Pay no attention to the WOMAN behind the curtain. (psst...that's you.) Its not at all surprising your kids cant take responsibility for their own actions. Their parents haven't shown them how to do it.

PS I have PTSD. I've never laid a finger on my family. I've cried, screamed, locked myself in a dark room and stayed in my pajamas for days but I have never been violent. My PTSD resulted from watching my Marine husband take his own life. He too had PTSD. From 4 war tours and 20 years in the Corps. Bill Clinton was the president when he became a Marine. I lost everything when he died. At no point in the three years since his death have I blamed Clinton, Bush or Obama. The responsibility for his death is his own. Perhaps if you finally teach your kids to own their actions you will be less bitter toward others. The presidents didn't fuck your kid up. You had more of a part in it.

I can only hope the charges hes facing now are felony and hes convicted. If hes going ape shit waving an AR-15 around he needs to have his guns restricted.(AS IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE LAWS) If in fact it is like you say...PTSD. He could kill you, your kids and his. You cant have it both ways. You just opened a huge can of worms. His instability is no longer a rumor. Its factual and record by law. He is now a potential threat to everyone around him. It is not Obama's job to see that he gets proper care. Its his. The moment you jumped the gun to cover your ass using PTSD you perpetuated the stigma and pigeonholed him for life. I think it was a worse decision than when Bristol became an advocate for Abstinence. You really don't want to make your kid the poster child for PTSD. You see where pushing abstinence got your daughter....

Personal accountability is sort of a big deal.  Its a concept lost on your clan. In conclusion: you're a total asshole for blaming anyone but Track for Track's behavior. Perhaps if you did we might take anything accusations you hurl at others seriously. Probably not in most cases but it would sound a hell of a lot better than blaming pop-tarts for rain.(Just an example. Use what ever makes you giggle.)


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