Suicide... It's like ending an epic novel mid sentence. In my husband's case, that novel had dedicated one page shy of 39 chapters to developing his character. Just for him to disappear. We were invested in his journey. We turned each page biting our nails and praying for a happy ending. Our society is programmed for that...the happy ending. We want all books, movies, shows to be wrapped in a red bow and a satisfying ending. But that's not the reality of suicide. Sadly, there would be more outrage on social media for a poorly finished book than our growing epidemic of veteran suicide deaths daily. Lately I've been dreaming about Mike a lot. I haven't decided if the dreams are happening because I'm a writer and I think and dream like one or if my subconscious and heart can handle the "stories" easier than the blunt reality. In my dreams he's always back "from the dead". Either he was off in combat and was supposed to be with a unit that w...