Hypocrisy and Embellishments

I just finished a rather obvious article about a LESBIAN mayor set on RUINING the church by fighting for equal rights in her town. I could only laugh. The way it was written was so clearly one sided. Yes, one lone homosexual woman is on a mission to eradicate religion in one term. Amazing. Behold the power of the same sex lover!

I'm trying not to be judgy here. But, people having legal rights does not change anyone's faith. It maybe challenges your perspective and scares you. It does not change God's love for ALL people. The love was already there. Regardless of your personal view.

I find it offensive and just plain ignorant. Did it occur to anyone that you can be gay and Christian...and that's okay? It's not God driving homosexual believers into depression, pain and suicide...it's other believers shaming them to death. God is the judge, not us. Our job here is to love and respect others, their belief and their way. Not to preach what WE think God wants. Our job is to have faith that He has a plan. Not our agenda.

Religion is not a sanctimonious veil to shroud hate.

Hate, blame, shame, ridicule are all the polar opposite of what we're here for. We got off track somewhere. It has nothing to do with a personal sexual preference but fear, ignorance, a refusal to understand outside what you have been told. Just because you grew up hearing it was wrong doesn't make it so. It was once wrong for me to wear pants or vote. I remember my grandfather getting on to my grandma for not wearing lipstick when they left the house. At one time race was segregated and that was deemed RIGHT. It clearly wasn't.

Part of the article was about how this mayor was attempting to change laws about businesses discriminating based on sexual preference. An example, a catering company can't refuse to book a gay wedding. I get both sides. I think it's painful and rude but I wouldn't want to do business with anyone who hates me based on a check mark on an application. I think it helps eliminate the BS pretty quickly. Move on to someone worthy of my money. However, at the same time it hurts my heart for them.  I don't think we can regulate how business owners operate. Government, absolutely.

I make costumes. I mostly make children's costumes for pageants, holidays etc. I have refused to take certain orders and requests because I felt they were inappropriate for a child or exploited them in some way. I own my own business and can pick what I choose to attach my name to. Regardless of my desire to turn a profit, I still have standards. It has nothing to do with my faith. It's a matter of protecting children. That's universal. Well, I think. I am sure the customer will find someone who will design and create that costume. But, my moral and ethical standing is more important than the dollar....

I'm not sure if that makes me a hypocrite? I'm sure the pious business owners think they are protecting something too.

I am a mom. I have kids but I don't think you need to be a parent to understand protecting children. I don't think you need to be gay to understand equal rights.

The love you feel for your spouse is no different than the love they feel for theirs. I don't know if I'm shifty for my views or something is wrong in my thought process that sees discriminating people is wrong no matter how you look at it.

I'm not your mom. I can't tell you how to dress but I can control what I make and put out in the world. I'm not God so I can't tell you what is right or wrong. I can only accept and love my neighbor. Even the assholes who try my nerves. Gay, straight or otherwise.

God made the straight people who produced the homosexuals. It's not an illness or contagious. God doesn't make mistakes. It is His plan. Therefore, I don't think it's our place to blame, shame or drive out anyone.

I can only make choices based on what feels right to me. What I feel God wants me to do. My choices come from a good place, with not just tolerance but acceptance of others. I don't think same sex preference changes what God commands. It certainly changes my relationship with God none...zero...zip. I feel good about my ability to share warmth and kindness. I'm at peace I guess.

A business can pick and choose what they do. It's their right. It should remain their right only because demanding us (all business owners) to not keep standards breaks wide open a box that will drive small business out of existence. The reason for their choice can and will affect future business and their reputation. Same sex couples are just as deserving. If you discriminate customers for these reasons it will have a negative impact. If I refuse to make a costume I feel with make a little girl look like a junior prostitute, and I don't get featured on my Big Fat a Gypsy Wedding I guess I can live with myself.

Hypocrite or not that's where I stand. 


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