Who Pushed The Religion Button?!

I have really bizarre dreams when I don't have nightmares. Mostly my recurring dreams take place in high school. It's usually the end of my senior year. I cannot remember my locker combination or where my classes are and I usually find out I don't have enough credits to graduate so I must return the following year to finish. This dream has been happening for 20 years now as I graduated high school in the late 90s. My own son will be a junior in the same high school I attended but I digress...

In this dream I was getting on the bus on my first day of school. By the time the school bus got to my stop it was already quite full with students. I got on and looked around for an open spot. Toward the back I saw but one seat available. As I walk to it the boy seated next to me refused to make eye contact. I know he could see me and I smiled as I got closer but he just turned his head and stared out the window. I remember feeling awkward and wondering if I had offended him. I heard the bus door close and we began to pull forward.

Suddenly the driver slammed on the brakes threw the bus into park as we all lurched forward. She got up turned toward us and loudly asked "OK WHO PUSHED THE RELIGION BUTTON?!!!"

I looked up over the window of my seat and noticed a blinking call button like those on a plane. My seat mate raised his hand. He said to her "I'm Muslim and it's against our principals to sit next to an unclean female." I was shocked confused and enbarrassed. I felt every eye on me. My ears were burning. I looked around and through the tears I said "I don't understand. There are no more open seats. How will I get to school?"

The bus driver just stood there waiting.

I grabbed my back pack and ran off the bus. That's all I remember of the dream.

I don't know enough about the Muslim religion. I don't know if they are forbidden from sitting next to non Muslim females. I am assuming that's what "unclean" means. And...when would a religion button be associated with a school or school bus? That's separation of church and state, correct? Regardless of which religion is in question.

I can always figure out what my dreams mean. I can normally decipher what my brain is trying to tell me to work on but for the life of me I cannot crack this one.

If nothing else I will be researching the Muslim faith because I don't have an answer to my questions above. It is one of the religions I know least about.

And the "ok...who pushed the religion button?!?!" phrase is just stuck in my head since. In my dream it was terrifying but now I just giggle. It's so strange and...

Like I said...bizarre.


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