My Birthday Wish

My birthday will be Saturday. Despite all the kids and I have been through, God has provided us with health, a roof over our head, food in our bellies and great friends and family to support us through the most traumatic period of our lives. We are truly blessed. We have all we need and some of our wants. With that being said I would like to request a different kind of birthday gift. Please consider helping this vets family. I know them personally. The husband is struggling with PTSD and I know from experience, the stress of financial concerns compounds the ptsd. Even if it's just one dollar. That dollar will show them the military community has their back. We care.

If you can't donate please just share on social media. Alleviating some stress can make all the difference in the world. I trust they will make their goal because that's what makes the military community special...when one of us needs a hand we lend it.

Thank you for making my birthday wish come true in advance



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