Remembering who he was.

Mikes sister sent Kira a letter last week with a DVD inside. It was a memorial slideshow. I watched it with her. It had a big impact on me. The photos were of him and his family from birth until he graduated bootcamp. That was 20 years ago. The pictures just stop at age 19. It made me realize that his family didn't know him. It made me feel sorry for them. They weren't estranged in that time, they just made a choice to not communicate.

It at first infuriated me. All of the harsh words and allegations they made of me and they didn't bother to get to know him as a man. I did. I stuck by him through the good and bad times. I finally made peace with it. It all made sense. They were projecting their own guilt on to me. They were so shocked and denied he could or would take his own's because they really didn't know him at all.

I've decided to list what I know about him. Even the little quirky details. Should I ever start to forget, or if the kids ask who he was I can just look back here. Maybe his parents and siblings might like to know him. Here is my list:

He loved Metallica. Specifically the Black album. But surprisingly his collection of music was really broad. He listened to about everything. He had the song Barbie Girl downloaded in 6 different languages. When we worked in the garage we always had it on the Oldies station on Pandora. Always.

He loved Dr. Pepper. He drank it straight from the 2 liter. And Oreos. He hid them high in the pantry so he didn't have to  share with the kids.

He said the word "milk" funny. Now my son says it the same way. The only two people who I have ever heard pronounce it that way.

If you asked him what his favorite movie was he would say Full Metal Jacket but secretly it was Princess Bride and Lion King. It always made me laugh hysterically to hear him sing "I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts..."

He hid his dirty socks in the crack/cushions of my couch. he said it was because he only wore the a few minutes and they weren't technically dirty. He could wear the again.

He once drove nonstop from San Diego to St Louis to see me. 36 Hours drive total.

He hoarded clothing. There were some shirts in our closet that he had from high school. I had to wait til he was at work to pitch them.

He was obsessed with luggage. BACKPACKS DUFFLE BAGS  CARRYONS.  He couldn't help it. He was drawn to them.

His birthday/homecoming meal was always the same. Lasagna, bread, Caesar salad and chocolate cake with chocolate.

He could literally build or dismantle anything. He was great with his hands. He made beautiful furniture. Woodworking seemed to be a favorite.

He was very very tall. He made me feel petite. I'm not a tiny girl.

He built and collected model cars. All vintage muscle. He mixed colors and made the custom. Down to the fine detail.

He picked Mason's name. He's names after a Steven Segal character...Mason Storm.

He was never sick. In 20 years he had one stomach flu. He had an amazing immune system.

When he was a boy he wanted to be a pilot.

He never laughed harder than watching the comedian with the dummies. Jeff Dunham . He laughed until he cried.

He was hit by a truck when he was a young Marine. He flew off the hood and walked away without a scratch.

His nickname at work was "Big Evil".

He was part of a driving club called Club HASHIRIYA. He told me that meant chopsticks in Japanese. I'm not sure what that has to do with fast cars but it's a fact. Lol

In 20 years we never once slow danced. He said he was a terrible dancer but Jack Daniels makes him forget.

He was in a really bad bike accident as a kid. Doctors told him he wouldn't have children. He and his first wife tried for 6 years, Mas and Kira were both a complete shock.  Miracle babies. He told me when we first got married his biggest regret was not having children of his own. Surprise! He got his wish.

He wanted to become a master mechanic and own his custom autoshop. He was in college for that when he died.

I can go on for days. But I will leave it there for tonight. I will add more later.


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