As If Life Isnt Hard Enough....

This conversation started after I sent the info for the first anniversary memorial service we are planning for Michael. Just wow. So far since hes been gone they have first accused me of literally killing him now, they are saying Im at fault because he was on my "watch". I have bit my tongue and forgiven them so many times because I know grief makes people want to blame others but fuck that. What about my fucking grief? My kids grief? At no time have they asked how we are doing. My mother in law asked me after his death to not mention the gun he used was the one his dad bought him for Father's Day. I first. I didn't blame him but I keep getting blamed so there you go. The fancy flat black Savage Edge 30-06 rifle. Thats what he used. I know this because in the above conversation Donna made mention that the police report stated I asked him for a divorce three times the day he died. So, I went and re-read the report. I knew it wasn't true. It says I a...