Gold Stars are for Children's Charts

I'm not at all offended that we are not a "Gold Star Family." What's a pin going to do? Honestly? Gold stars are for toddler potty charts. Gold stars are for celebration. I didn't accomplish anything. I married a man who served in the military and died. I see no need for a pat on the back. If he were a plumber I wouldn't expect a gold plunger after he died.

My cousin was KIA in Iraq in 2009. He left behind two young sons. His wife  Stephanie has a gold star. Do you think her pain and mine are any different? Our kids have no father. We lost our identity and our entire lives changed. Their loss and ours is no different. Both men were brave and both defended our country. Both died as a result of war. Just the fact that they served proudly is enough. 

If we are recognized for anything I want it to be for his hard work and dedication to the Marine Corps, this country and his family. Not for his death. If there were a bedazzled pin for that I would probably wear it. We are not victims. We are the proud family of a Career Marine. 

Ask me about his life. Ask me about his travels. Don't look at me pathetically and apologize. I'm not sorry he served, I'm proud of him. Being a Marine wasn't just his job. It was his life. 

Keep your gold stars. I'm potty trained. I've got my big girl panties on. 


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