Dear Michael,

Now that I'm good and buzzed I'm going to take minute to be completely honest. I don't care what anyone says or thinks. They can fuck off. 
You've ruined my life. I don't care that you were sick. I tried to get you help. I begged and pleaded with you to see a doctor. You took the easy way out and literally left me here to pick up the pieces.  I gave you 11 years and two kids and you and you threw it all away. You abandoned us.
The gunshot will never leave my memory. Hearing the police tell me you were deceased rings in my ears. I am so incredibly pissed and sad. We will never be the same again. We have to go on with our lives knowing you're gone. I have to hold the kids when they cry for you and hide in the shower to cry for me. I'm empty. In one shot you took it all away from us. I forgive you but I will never get over this.


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