Terrible Dream

Last night I had a terrible dream and it wasnt until I tried to sleep tonight that it came back to me in full vivid detail. Now, I cant get it out of my head. It was terrible. I remember now that I woke up during the dream and was frightened like a child. I sat awake for several minutes trying to calm myself down. I dont know what it means.
In the dream my father and I were meeting with a real estate agent and following him out to a property he thought I would be interested. In the dream I was also caring for a small boy, babysitting. My children were not present. We drove quite a ways and I remember seeing and feeling the sunlight strobe through the trees as the road winded to a gate. We got out and toured the farm and all the buildings. When we came to the last building, it was like a pole barn and there was an older trailer parked inside. We giggled and I said "does this piece of junk come with the property?" The agent looked puzzled and said something about it not being there before. Just then a man stormed out of the thing and he looked filthy and furious. The real estate guy said something to him like "You dont belong here. You have to go." The strange man said "I am not going anywhere and neither are you!" He started to spray something on us. It was cold. I was confused and he looked right in my eyes smiled huge and then lit a match and threw it on us. I could see my shirt melting to my skin, I could smell my flesh burning and my father and the child struggling the same as I was. I threw myself down and was trying to put the flame out screaming to the man to help us! "Please help us!" He just slowly walked away to his trailer and closed the door.

...And then I woke up.


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