Justin Dipietro's Pants May Spontaneously Catch Fire

On December 17th, 20 month old Ayla Reynolds went missing from her crib in her home, in the dark of night....
Or so that is what her father reported.

I saw this interview the day it was aired and my reaction was "You did this." Of course if was just based on my gut and the weird way he spoke. Now, Almost three months later I even more certain of his involvement and after watching this again, knowing more facts I can tell you he will lie about and talk around anything to save his own ass. Here is a transcript and my own notes:

in a statement he said "it's important the public hear it from me personally that i have no idea what happened to ayla and i'm not in hiding."(1)
this investigation has gone over for two weeks. law enforcement satisfied itself a 20-month-old little girl could not have wandered away in the middle of the night from her own volition.
her mother, trista reynolds has made repeated pleas.
i love her, i miss her, i want her home.
reynolds says ayla was in dipietro 's care when she was in treatment for substance abuse . in an interview with matt last week, trista reynolds questioned dipietro 's actions.
he said he's not hiding, but why won't he talk to me?
and what happened to ayla , a question for the maine state police as they take the lead in what's turning out to be an increasingly mysterious case.
every investigator involved in this case as far as they're concerned are still looking for a live, little 20-month-old girl.
and late last night, trista reynolds issued the following statement exclusively to the "today" show, she says "when i found out from law enforcement that this has become a criminal investigation , i got chills up and down my spine, but i am keeping my faith. i am not giving up." we should add police are sifting through nearly 400 leads in the case. at this point they have not named any suspects. peter?
aditi roy reporting, thank you. the father justin dipietro is with us exclusively. good morning. thank you for your time today.
i thank you for having me.
this is our first chance to speak to you publicly. can you give us a sense why you're coming forward now?
there's a few reasons why. initially the first few days i was emotionally incapable of coming out to do an interview, and i had been advised that by coming on and doing an interview, by law enforcement , it could possibly hinder the investigation, (2)and i'm here to help in any way i can, and by coming on here is in hopes of reaching out to the person that does have my daughter and to let them know that what you're doing isn't right. you may think what you're doing is right for ayla , but it's not. you have no right. you're not her parent. she belongs home with her family.(3)
justin , as you heard in the piece, police believe foul play is involved. what are investigators telling you about what happened, what they believe may have happened here?
as far as i know, from -- that's just been a change in terminology. as far as i know, we're at the same place that we were at on day one with this.
can you tell us about the last time that you saw your little daughter? i know it's now more than two weeks ago. she was wearing polka dot pajamas, the top said "daddy's little princess ." tell us about that night.
it was just a normal night, there was nothing -- i put her to bed and just been a normal night.(4)
a lot has been said about you, obviously, in the last couple weeks, before we had a chance to speak to you directly. what do you think people should know about you and about your relationship to your little girl ?
i can tell you what i'm not. i love my daughter. i'd never do anything to harm my daughter. she's the world to me.
if we could ask you specifically, ayla 's mother, trista has been on the air with us twice, specifically questioned your parenting skills , even raised the question of an arm injury that your daughter has. she said she worried ayla wasn't safe in your care. your reaction to that?
as far as i know, there was never any concerns. we had both agreed that me having her at this point in time was the best thing for her.(5)
trista had been in october in rehab for substance abuse . can you tell us specifically then about your daughter, tell us what makes your daughter so special?
she's my daughter. she's my child. she's everything to me.
mr. dipietro , justin , what do you hope happens now, what do you think will happen now and what are you doing to help try to find her at this point?
i just want my daughter home. i'm doing anything possible that i can, to get my daughter home.(6) feels like a helpless situation at some points, but i'm doing what i can, it's part of the reason i'm coming on here today in hopes of reaching out to the person that does have her.


 (1) He says he coming forward to say he has no idea what happened to his daughter. Not where my daughter is, or who took her or anything else "WHAT HAPPENED TO HER" He just confirmed something happened to her.  I also find it odd that he says he has no idea and then says #3. He is specific about who took her. He says "You are not her parent". "You might think you are doing the right thing" How do you know they are "rescuing her"?  And rescuing her from what. What was going on there that someone thought they needed to rescue her? How do you know a pedophile or person desperate to be a parent didnt snatch her?

(2) The police never advised him against speaking.

 (4) When they ask tell me about that night, he replies stammering "It was just a normal night." As if to defend himself. What exactly is a normal night by the way?

(5) A complete lie. Ayla was left with Trista's sister while in rehab. It wasnt until the DHHS, Police and Justin showed up at her home to rip a screaming Ayla from her aunts arms that it was best. I would say everything about her placement in your home is a "concern". And all statements after "as far as I know" are usually a lie. Jot that down.

(6) I think he meant that but I think he was referring to getting her back into his home after Trista went to rehab. He really would do anything to get what he wanted.

Other oddities worth noting:

When he was asked what made his daughter special he replied "Shes my daughter." Basically possessive of his. So he is saying HE is what makes his daughter special. Not the typical reply a parent gives like shes so funny, energetic, smart, ANYTHING with personal individual meaning.

Oh, I am watching this like a hawk. There will be justice, unfortunately I think there will be no happy ending. 


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