Baby Aliayah in WV

Most people know I am somewhat fascinated with criminal behavior and what makes people tick in general. I follow several stories at a time but one story in news recently has touched me so deeply. From the moment I saw her photo I loved her. I saw something in her eyes that was so familiar. Then I started to learn her story and understood. Her name is Aliayah Lunsford. She is 3 and went missing over 40 days ago. If you dont know the specifics of her story read the link. Missing

She is a lost child in more ways than one. In a lot of ways she is me at her age. My heart aches for her.

I find myself scouring every site on the internet more than once a day for more information about her case. I am now dreaming about her at least three times a week. My dream is always the same. I am not sure what the dream means but its very vivid. I have even visited psychic websites to see if their visions are anything like my dream. Yes, its becoming an obsession.

Sadly, I dont think she is going to be found alive. In my dream she was killed by her mother. In a fit of rage. She didnt mean to kill her but lost control in a burst of raw anger. She left her lay there. Alone. In this dream she was removed by a mans hands. I didnt see a face but the hands are calloused and ugly. He stuffed her in what I saw to be a military sea bag or large laundry bag. The dream cuts off in the dark. But its cold, and moist with a distinct smell. I think my dream is telling me she is in a cave, well, cellar or something similar.

I know sharing this makes me look completely crazy and that's okay. I just really want her to be found and laid to rest properly by people who love her.

I hope my dream is wrong. I want to be told otherwise. Please let me be wrong.


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