The War With Westboro

Rarely do I ever share my political or spiritual views as I feel that they are personal. However...

Next month marks my husbands 18th year with the Marines. It is also the 2nd anniversary of my cousins death. He was killed in Iraq. He was only 25. It is such a mixture of emotion but the common feeling is pride. I am so proud of both boys.

This week, the supreme court sided with Westboro Baptist Church. It was a slap in the face. The irony that WBC members are protected by the same constitution the service members died protecting is twisted.

I cant speak for all military wives but I will tell you that I take every killed or wounded service member personally. I cannot hear Taps or see a flag draped casket without choking up. I cannot help but think I could be her. He could be my husband. I empathize so deeply. I want to tell them I how proud I am of them, how grateful I am for their service.

In that moment she is in the most vulnerable place possible and nothing that we do or say can make it better. Something can and will make it worse though, the presence of the WBC protesting the life and death of the man you swore to love all the days of your life.

And now, its completely legal. Legal and right are two different things. I was so enraged with the news. I am finding some peace after researching Fred Phelps life and learning what drives his hate.

I learned Fred Phelps mom died when he was 5. I imagine at five he felt the pain the families of the fallen feel. I think thats where the real motivation for such deplorable acts. To feel that vulnerable, its personal. Maybe he doesnt even know that.

I also read interviews of his children that gave insight into the home life and childhoods. They described him as a textbook narcissist.

Despite his rather vocal hatred for the military, he was actually a member of a JROTC in his youth and was accepted to West Point. Maybe hes regretful he took another avenue and targets us for that reason. I also read that hes unhappy the fallen service members are idolized. I think what hes really saying is hes upset that they get more attention than him.

I read that he was a Civil Rights lawyer but was disbarred for perjury. The story is really fascinating. It was pretty uncharacteristic of a christian. Google it.

His hatred for homosexuals, it really makes me wonder what happened to him in his youth. No one ever becomes that invested, that committed without it being personal.

I am offended that he uses God to further his personal agenda. I dont know all of the answers. I dont pretend to know Gods plan. I absolutely do know that MY God does not hate. My God is an accepting and loving God. My God wants us to do things because we know they are right in our hearts, not because we fear being condemned to hell if we make the wrong choice. My God is a forgiving God and knows that we will falter because he made us. We are human.

Everyone knows John 3:16 but John 3:17 is For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
If He didnt send his son to Condemn, what gives you the right? You are higher up the food chain than Jesus? What if you are the false prophet we were warned about?

Mister Phelps, I plan to attend your funeral on behalf of all the families affected by your hatred. I could say "God took your mother from you as a child to save the shame an embarrassment of having to admit she bore you." But I don't mean it. I believe that God will forgive you. I cant say that the rest of us can. I will pray that I time. I wont sing "Ding Dong the Witch is dead" and dance on your fresh grave. Just know that I will be there with all the love and pride in this country and the people who fight for it.

When a service member dies for his country he IS a hero and is awarded and regarded as such. When you die, it will just be another terrorist off the list.

In the end, after you are long wont be in the history books as the hard working civil rights activist you have deluded yourself into thinking you are. You will be noted as the leader of a hate group, a cult leader. You will be listed right next to Charles Manson, David Koresh and Jim Jones. But, they were really intelligent guys too so that should give you some solace.


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