Raising Confident Girls
One of the main focuses of why I do what I do is to help foster confidence in girls of all ages. In my opinion self confidence is just as important as all other fundamental building blocks in a young girl. If they are not taught to love themselves, how can they ever expect it from others? When you don't learn this step in childhood it opens the door for so many problems in puberty and later in life. I was approached recently about what "type" of girl I look for to model my creations and I was a little taken back. There is no special "type" of little girl. All little girls are beautiful and all should be able to tell you without skipping a beat. There are such stereotypical signals sent to girls, in the media and society. You must be thin, you must bee seen and not heard. Girls don't have opinions they just look pretty. Just turn on TV for five minutes. Dont let the media teach your daughters the art of being a woman. Start young and remind them every day. ...