
Showing posts from May, 2010

Raising Confident Girls

One of the main focuses of why I do what I do is to help foster confidence in girls of all ages. In my opinion self confidence is just as important as all other fundamental building blocks in a young girl. If they are not taught to love themselves, how can they ever expect it from others? When you don't learn this step in childhood it opens the door for so many problems in puberty and later in life. I was approached recently about what "type" of girl I look for to model my creations and I was a little taken back. There is no special "type" of little girl. All little girls are beautiful and all should be able to tell you without skipping a beat. There are such stereotypical signals sent to girls, in the media and society. You must be thin, you must bee seen and not heard. Girls don't have opinions they just look pretty. Just turn on TV for five minutes. Dont let the media teach your daughters the art of being a woman. Start young and remind them every day. ...

Beware of the Biker Bandits!

Today was a pretty exciting day for Mas. We found his bike after it was stolen two months ago. He was so happy. He just kept thanking me. I was pretty relieved because I honestly didnt want to shell out another hundred something bucks for a bike. But then... I walked out to the garage this afternoon and noticed Kira's brand new bike was replace with one exactly like hers but beat the fuck UP! It had to be at least 2 or three years old. Kira just got her bike and hasnt even learned to ride it. I look out in confusion and see the neighbor girl cruising down the street on my kids bike and I think "oh jesus not again!' So I walk over to her and tell her sweetly that she has Kira's bike and she needs to go get hers. Her mom comes out and I explained to her the situation. She just said "oooh. and then looks at the bike wobbles it back and forth and says no, this is my daughters see how it wobbles. I tried not to laugh in her fat face and calmly told her all training whe...

I would like to file a complaint with the universe

Because clearly, shouting at the infinite skies is more effective than calling the Missouri Department of Revenue. First let me point out a few ironic highlights of the system. If you are OWED money by the state for your individual taxes, there is no customer service line. You know, the sort with live people. You can check online or email and keep your fingers crossed. HOWEVER, if YOU owe THEM, heck yes there is a call center. So, I called. When I first called they tried to filter me out by asking if I was calling to inquire about a return. Oh, but I know to say no. They want to direct me to the the automated system. I get into the wait queue and it says "You are caller 41 and your approximate wait time is 47 minutes." I throw caution to the wind, clicker 'er into speaker mode and mentally cancel the next hour of my life. I held, and held some more. I held as I was getting dressed. I held while I was brushing my teeth, strapping my daughter in the car, going to my sons s...

Music and emotion

Its so amazing to me how music can evoke such emotion. It happens to me nearly daily. It's nuts because most of the time, its not even a good song. It just happens to be on in the background when something significant in my life happens. Of course there are some songs that are just brilliant in lyrics or music. Those stand alone. Just a few minutes ago I walked into the country store here on base and Avril's "Im with you" was playing on the store speakers. I instantly thought of Mike's first deployment to Iraq. We had just married and he headed off to the middle east. The war had not officially begun and there was a national sense of tension. We were all holding our breath, so unsure of what was to happen. I was a newb in the military lifestyle and it was all so overwhelming. To make matters worse, he was one of the very first to set foot in Kuwait and they had no means of communication. There were no telephone lines, no internet and hell...they didn't even h...

Taking the leap

I am a very wordy girl. After being reminded by Facebook's automated bitch slap, for my statuses being too long I have decided to just get an official blog. The blog will basically cover whats going on in my store, with my creative ideas, shoots I am involved in, refinishing projects and my KIDS...yes, the source of my daily humor. My kids will definitely be mentioned. So, follow if you want. I cant promise it will be daily or that when I do post it will actually make sense. Hello new world.