
Showing posts from October, 2017

Love, Loss and Light

Since getting into a committed relationship with Sean, the idea of marriage has been on my mind. I mean, we are engaged and are completely content this way. Our relationship has been relaxed and natural. We're not in a rush. We've both been married. Our kids are adults or nearing adulthood. We're together by choice. It's a good place. However, the marriage issue is something that could be a reality on the horizon so I have considered it.'s tricky. At first I thought well who would I eventually be buried with? ...but then I remembered I don't even believe that you have to go to a graveside to talk to your dead loved one. I'm concerned about where my soul goes not my body. So, I satisfied that point. Then I thought "when I get to heaven, what then? How do you pick which husband you want to spend eternity with? Does God pick for you?" And that's going to hurt someone. That's no heaven in my eyes. I did think for days abou...

Dear Logic, Thank You My teenage son introduced me to this song yesterday. I'm sorry that I am not familiar with your other work but this song had me in tears. Why? Four years ago my husband and the father of my children took his life in my presence, as our kids slept just feet away. In the past four years I've become an advocate for suicide prevention. This one song eclipses any work I could ever do in keeping people alive. You've taken a subject so close to our hearts and took a stand. It reminds me of the work of Tupac. You could have sang about anything, but you chose to help and I cannot thank you enough. My son and I were able to talk about his dads suicide, how his head was racing with the same confusion and abandonment anger and pain as the subject in your song. It helped us connect and I'm positive it will help others too. From one human being to another THANK GOD FOR YOU and this song. You will save lives. You may never meet them or know their name...


The recent sexual assault awareness campaign #MeToo encourages women to speak out. I've shared my personal story before but will again so other women may be empowered to take the control back from their attackers. Fear and silence only allow them to continue their dominance over your life and possibly others. My story is not about a random attack from a stranger in a dark alley. I knew them. Two were related to me by marriage. One ended up being a long term boyfriend through two years of my teens. The first time I was sexually abused I was about 7. It was my step father's brother, my uncle. In school they told us to tell our parents if anything ever happened. I did. They asked him. He denied it and nothing ever happened. I was forced to see him at family functions and the likes the rest of my childhood and into my 20s. He died 4 years ago. I wasn't sad. I felt relief. I knew he'd molested his own daughter before me and it wasn't until he divorced his wife and sh...