The Loss Is So Painful
The pain of losing your spouse is indescribable. It is harder than any physical pain I've ever had to endure. I've given birth three times. Two of them by csection. I've have all my wisdom teeth pulled. I've had a portion of my ovary removed...all of that combined pales in comparison to the constant ache of his death. When you have a baby the pain is only for a brief time. When the pain ends you're richly rewarded with a whole little person who has your eyes and your husband's nose. When you have surgery, you'll recover and with any luck feel better than before you had the procedure. There is no end game in suicide. The pain is everlasting and you never really "recover". You just invent new and creative ways to apply a bandaid to a severed arm. Eventually that bandaid does slip off and the wound reopens. And it always happens without notice, the most inopportune moments. Time to get creative again. You realize you'll never have your hand back....