Spouses of Vets
When Mike was enlisted it was well known and constantly reinforced that we, as spouses were merely guests. "If the Marine Corps wanted you to have a wife...they'd issue one to you" I never even really picked up the rank structure with him serving 20 years. I am not a Marine. I treated everyone the same regardless of the sticker on their car or the patch on their sleeve. It did not concern me. I went to the functions. I was involved to a point. It's a fine line we walk. Never getting too involved but not appearing unsupportive either. Mike and I had only been married two years when he came back from Iraq the first time and began Recruiting Duty shortly after. I was pregnant in 2004 and he was on a new duty. When he first came back everything was great. Then we were excited about the move closer to our family, then excited about his first born...and it was a boy! I could not understand when he hit a brick wall. All the joy and all the excitement began to disappear. A d...