Justin Dipietro's Pants May Spontaneously Catch Fire
On December 17th, 20 month old Ayla Reynolds went missing from her crib in her home, in the dark of night.... Or so that is what her father reported. http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/45846319/ns/today-today_people/t/dad-missing-toddler-what-you-are-doing-isnt-right/#.T3CbsNU4S1w I saw this interview the day it was aired and my reaction was "You did this." Of course if was just based on my gut and the weird way he spoke. Now, Almost three months later I even more certain of his involvement and after watching this again, knowing more facts I can tell you he will lie about and talk around anything to save his own ass. Here is a transcript and my own notes: __________________________________________________________________________________ in a statement he said " it's important the public hear it from me personally that i have no idea what happened to ayla and i'm not in hiding."(1) this investigation has gone over for two weeks. law enforcement s...