Self Restraint...Im working on it.

I have many personality flaws. One is self restraint, especially in the area of keeping my opinions to myself. Its something that I have to work on daily. Some of it ADD but its mostly just me. Today, I exercised what little self restraint I do posses. It was super duper hard. But, I did it. *patting myself on the back* My niece posted a photo of her little brother (not a relation to me. Her mom has hree babies, three baby daddies) on Facebook. He was wearing hunting camouflage.The same kind my former husband/her uncle/my sons father wears. I said "Hes wearing Camo just like *Uncle Tony*. Nice!" Harmless. No biggie. Not another thought. I came back on a few hours later to see her aunt (Her moms sister, not related to me and has hated me since highschool when I stole her boyfriends) commented "No, hes wearing an outfit like *'some other douchebag-not relevant to the story'*. Please do not associate him with *Tony*". I was baffled and also offended. I the...