TAPS Peer Mentoring

Some people describe the sudden death of a spouse as having the air suddenly taken from their lungs but I would have to disagree. I know that lack of air is certain death. It's been nearly three years since my husband died and I'm still here. I think the death of a spouse or other close loved one is more like the loss of a limb. In most cases it won't kill you but it will permanently alter every aspect of your life and how you live it. You will survive. You're just different. You have to relearn even the basics in life. TAPS Peer Mentors are like being fitted with a prosthetic limb after the loss of your own. You could probably get by without one but, the introduction of such a device opens up new possibilities to get back to a new "normal" faster and with a renewed determination. The decision to accept a TAPS Mentor is much like the choice to use your prosthetic arm. You make the call. We can be utilized or not. As little or as much as you decide. We are the...