Hello from Heaven
Things happen after a loved one passes. Sometimes everything and everyone reminds you of them. A song you know they loved comes on the radio. It calms you. Comforts you. You think it could be a coincidence but what a welcomed one...and right when you least expected it. You let the tears flow. It's a cleansing cry. For one brief second you feel as connected to that loved one as you can be. It feels good. Especially when it's been a long time since you felt their presence. You don't care if it coincidence or not you needed it. And then...there is a day like I have had today when it seems this can be no coincidence. It feels as if they are trying to get your attention. So much so that you have to sit down and really consider it's possibility. Let me start from the beginning... This morning I woke up to my dog barking his head off. I thought maybe the doorbell rang. I stumbled down the steps and to the front door...nope. nothing. I walked around the house looking at the p...