Neighbor neighbor go away...come back...NEVER!
I hate my neighbor. I hate that she is so completely unaware of what her children are doing or where they are doing it. Today when I got home from my doctors appt, i walked to my flower bed to change the fountain motor and there were 15 empty water bottles and caps lying in my flower bed and they had pulled all the solar lights up. Her two kids were standing there like NBD. I calmly told them they needed to pick the bottles up and take them home. They ignore me, of course. Instead the little girl says "can we have a popsicle? Its hot and we need to stay cool." I think to myself "after 15 bottles of water you are hydrated plenty!" But I cant tell a child no so I get them one. When I come back out the little boy is now taking all the bottles to the back yard and chucking them there. I told him no way Jose. He kept doing it. So, i went over and talked to their mom. I asked first did she know her kids wasted 15 bottles of water and the waste is now all over MY yard. Sh...